84th Engineer Battalion (Construction)
Association Viet Nam

Thanks go out to
Gary F. Rice

Photos in this collection and are from Qui Nhon
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Going into Qui Nhon from Ammo Valley, normal traffic, had to watch out for “Cowboys” from jumping on the vehicles and throwing stuff off.

Going into Qui Nhon from Ammo Valley, normal traffic, had to watch out for “Cowboys” from jumping on the vehicles and throwing stuff off.

Guard post #6 I think in Qui Nhon, but do remember it was early dawn.

Hooches in Qui Nhon after a Typhoon/Hurricane hit

Hooches in Qui Nhon after a Typhoon/Hurricane hit

Bn. HQ Area Qui Nhon

 Bn. HQ Area Qui Nhon

Bn. HQ Area Qui Nhon, area

Bn. HQ. Area Qui Nhon Looking towards the S4 upper Area

HQ Area Qui Nhon

HQ Area Qui Nhon, Looking down from the mess hall/guard tower

HQ Area Qui Nhon

HQ Area Qui Nhon,   S4 Yard ?

HQ Area Qui Nhon

HQ Area Qui Nhon, Looking down from the mess hall/guard tower

HQ Area Qui Nhon, the door at the end is the BN photo lab

The sign say it all

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